Steam generator-steam bath technique

Steam generator-steam bath technique

Steam generator-steam bath technique

You need space for the steam bath technique of a steam bath.

The dimension of the steam generator is mostly:
W x D x H = 365 x 275 x 712mm
Weight: 13.5kg
Voltage: 380V

In addition you can expect below space for the sanitary connections (siphon, ..) and above for the steam line (28mm copper or stainless steel line / rubber-insulated). For connecting steam tank to copper pipe, take a piece of steam hose with DM30mm inside.
The brine compressor, if desired, is usually placed on the ground or on a pedestal.
Requirements for the steam bath technique

The heating mats have an output of approx. 300W / m2 (separate supply line for the heating mats, mostly 2 heating circuits, walls and seats / floor separated). The heating capacity of larger cabins often exceed 4000W. The compressor has about 300W

The steam generator needs a fixed water connection and a drain! The display of the steam generator can be moved in our unit in front of the cabin! Furthermore, the steam generator, for example. Switched on / off via stainless steel switch in the cab.

The steam outlet should be placed as far away from the feet as possible (very hot at the steam outlet!). Always steer either towards the steam outlet or back to the steam generator – DO NOT MAKE A WATER SACK!



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