Steam bath production

Steam bath production

For more than 18 years we have produced steam baths mostly for private projects. You have the possibility to purchase the necessary components (SPA MODULE) for a steam bath as well as the mature technology, or we can deliver or assemble a pre-produced cabin at your site ( at a certain distance).

For a steam bath you have numerous seating modules and loungers available. The modules can also be combined, thus resulting in numerous comfortable reclining and seating options. Your given space essentially determines the seat shape or combination options.

For more information please visit our other sites: (only German)

SOLEUM Health SPA – Sea Climate Chamber

With the SOLEUM Health SPA we can now offer you a complete solution. The product can be delivered ready for connection, almost anywhere in the world!



SPA Modules with mounting

SPA Modules with mounting – Steam bath assembly CONSTRUCTION and assembly of pre-produced steam bath parts in our near area (austria/Germany). As the name implies, we pre-produce the steam cabin in our factory (see BASIC PRO: The EPS modules are pre-set, dried and in the next step, depending on the application, provided with a special […]

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Spa Modules BASIC PRO

In the Spa Modules BASIC PRO selection we produce the desired SPA modules in our company. The EPS modules are pre-coated (coated), dried and in the next step – depending on the application – provided with a special heating mat (300W / m2). In this way, the entire steam cabin, which you then install as […]

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Spa Modules BASIC

VERSION VARIANTE “BASIC” – only SPA MODULE You have with us the opportunity for your project tailored solutions (modules such as loungers, benches and special shapes) to buy from us – this is the cheapest option! Whether small shower cubicles or larger steam baths – with our SPA modules you have many options. Some of […]

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